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8 MINI Emotion Plush Toys with A Little SPOT of Feelings Hardcover Book Box Set


Diane Alber

$37.99 Regular price $39.99


This set is a COMPANION to the bestselling books "A Little SPOT of Emotion Books Box Set"! This set comes with one newly released hardcover special edition "A Little SPOT of Feelings: Emotion Detective" book with all 8 Emotion plush toys!

This set includes: 

1 Hardcover book: A Little SPOT of Feelings: Emotion Detective (special edition hardcover book not included in any other book box set) 

8 plush toys 

The PLUSH TOYS included are: Anger, Anxiety, Peaceful, Sadness, Happiness, Love, Confidence and Scribble (Tangled).

Each you is 3” long and 2” high 

*Plush toys are not sold separately at this time and are only available in this box set.








Customer Reviews

Based on 108 reviews
Stephanie Moskos

We love them and the kids at school love them! Thank you!

jenny cucci

The quality is great

Lynn Roberts
Perfect Book and Plushies Set

My four-year-old granddaughter is obsessed with the video of this emotion book! She talks about all the “feelings” and she is going to love having her own little plushies.

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