A Little SPOT of Feelings & Emotions Sticker Book


Diane Alber

$12.50 Regular price $12.99

14 pages of Face and SPOT stickers!

The Little SPOT of Feelings & Emotions Sticker Book is the perfect addition to A Little SPOT of Emotion and Feelings Box Sets. The many choices allow children to create their own SPOT characters and decide on each SPOT’s emotion or feeling!

Stickers can be paired together to represent specific emotions or feelings. Children’s drawings can be sketched with specific stickers in mind or altered afterward to make a new, emotion-filled SPOT!

The Little SPOT of Feelings & Emotions Sticker Book can be used for:

  •  emotion identification

  •  paper drawings

  •  classroom activities

  •  art projects

  •  rock art

The stickers are also great as a gift, especially if paired with our "3-in-1 Jumbo Colored Pencils For Kids 3+ Scribble Splatter" or the A Little SPOT of Emotion and Feelings Box Sets.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Brenda Sheridan

These are awesome! My granddaughter and husband are now aware of what each color means from the emotions/feeling books.
I am not as advanced with my 2 yr old grandson, but he knows Angry, Peaceful, Sad, Worry and Love. I have them as throw pillows in the couch.
When one of us is in “a mood” we cuddle with the appropriate plushy. Then, I read the specific emotion book followed by the how to define why and how to handle that feeling.
Before the books and plushies, my grandson would always pick up Angry because he couldn’t tell what was going on until he was Angry. We read the Anger Shield book several times.
Sigh, I love them so much, I wrote a long story about them and it wouldn’t let me submit.

Pamela Konrad

So cute! One for me and one for my grandson 😊


So much fun

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