A little Spot Needs Feelings

Diane Alber


Also included in the Emotional Regulation Box Set


Introducing "A Little Spot Needs Feelings," a captivating addition to the beloved A Little SPOT Emotional Regulation Box Set. Dive into the world of emotions and embark on a heartwarming journey filled with self-discovery and empathy.

"A Little Spot Needs Feelings" promotes emotional intelligence by encouraging children to empathize with Spot's experiences and relate them to their own lives. Through Spot's journey, young readers discover the power of self-reflection, communication, and embracing their authentic emotions.

Experience the joy of "A Little Spot Needs Feelings" and unlock the transformative power of emotional literacy. Whether enjoyed independently or shared as a bonding experience, this book ignites meaningful conversations and fosters emotional resilience in young hearts. Step into Spot's world and embark on an emotional adventure like no other.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Brenda Sheridan

These are awesome! My granddaughter and husband are now aware of what each color means from the emotions/feeling books.
I am not as advanced with my 2 yr old grandson, but he knows Angry, Peaceful, Sad, Worry and Love. I have them as throw pillows in the couch.
When one of us is in “a mood” we cuddle with the appropriate plushy. Then, I read the specific emotion book followed by the how to define why and how to handle that feeling.
Before the books and plushies, my grandson would always pick up Angry because he couldn’t tell what was going on until he was Angry. We read the Anger Shield book several times.
Sigh, I love them so much, I wrote a long story about them and it wouldn’t let me submit.

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