A Little SPOT of Anger: A Story About Managing BIG Emotions


Diane Alber

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Also included in the EMOTION BOX SET

It can be really hard to handle BIG Emotions, especially ANGER! Kids experience frustrating situations everyday, whether it's someone taking their toy or they feel like they can't do something. This story shows them that instead of yelling or stomping their feet, they can practice some fun ways to help them stay CALM.

By associating emotions with something a child can visual (bright red spot), they are able to see when a small feeling of frustration can easily turn into into a big ANGRY emotion. They will realize they can manage their spots of emotions with fun counting and breathing techniques by watching an ANGRY SPOT start to shrink down.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Lisa Detrych

A Little SPOT of Anger: A Story About Managing BIG Emotions

Help Desk Mama

This book has so many positive things to talk about!

The author manages to explain the anger emotion and provide a coping mechanism for the emotion in a most simple way. In addition to explaining emotions, the author also has simple drawings in the book that keeps children engaged.

The author explains the anger emotion well and even provides examples that every child can relate to! My boys are 4 and 6. They related immediately to the examples provided in the book about when the spot of anger emotion can grow bigger.

This has been one of the most helpful books I've read to my children in reference to managing the anger emotion. I've taught my boys some coping strategies to managing their emotions. Some involve holding and object like a silicone sponge to squeeze. However, they aren't going to be carrying around that sponge everywhere they go! This book focuses on an exercise with the children's fingers, hand, and breathing. That is something they can do wherever they are!

I made a photo copy of the hand and little chart of emotions to identify and taped them onto the wall in our house. It's a reminder to the boys that if they feel the anger spot, to do the hand and breathing exercises to calm down.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who is an influence in a child's life. Even if you think the child understands emotions, this looks at emotions from a different perspective!

Kaylee Eslaquit

This book is just another great masterpiece by Diane! This book is going to be a HUGE help with my class of 4 year olds! I absolutely love it and can’t wait to read it to them! I’m also thinking of crafts/activities to do with this book already. I just read it to my daughter and she loved it. It was so cute seeing her try to do the finger spots.

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