A Little SPOT of Learning Box Set (8 Books: Kind Words, Friendship, Learning with Emotions, Goes to School, Letters, Words, Reading, Math)


Diane Alber

$47.99 Regular price $59.99


This box set includes 8 Learning Books: 

A Little SPOT of Learning
A Little SPOT of Friendship
A Little SPOT of Kind Words
A Little SPOT Goes to School
A Little SPOT in a World of Words
A Little SPOT Learns to Read
A Little SPOT Learns Letters
A Little SPOT Learns Math with Lemons

A Little SPOT series was developed to help children learn how to manage their emotions, valuable life skills, and hard-to-explain topics. These books have fun, colorful illustrations with easy-to-identify characters for young readers, yet are entertaining and informative for adults, too!

A Little SPOT book series is geared toward children ages 4-10. They are great for early readers and elementary school students. These books are also excellent resources for counselors, parents, caregivers, and teachers.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Ann A.
A Necessity for SEL

This set of Spot books addresses how to work through the big emotions related to learning curriculum and interacting with others! My students can relate to these issues and I expect them to engage in meaningful conversations surrounding the topics. The other sets of Spot books are also very relevant! Don't hesitate! Buy one book and you'll fall in love and so will your students. I have 3 or 4 sets and use them year after year!

Laura Madsen
Engaging Books for Emotional Awareness

The "Little Spot" books are helping me talk to my two grandsons (ages 5 and 4) about emotions--what they are and how to keep them healthy. These books are great for adults too! It has taken me years to realize that everything I do is based on my emotions. Even more important is the message that I can monitor my emotions and do things to foster positive emotions. This information is greatly needed by everyone!

Roselene Coblentz
Best Ever

Wonderfully illustrated to teach children values in practical situations. Great teaching tool!

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