A Little SPOT of Sadness: A Story About Empathy And Compassion


Diane Alber

$8.99 Regular price $11.99

Also included in the EMOTION BOX SET

Sadness happens for many reasons. It can happen when a child misses a loved one, loses a favorite toy or gets hurt. This story shows a child how to visual their sadness as a SADNESS SPOT so that they can control it better. It walks them through several situations and offers guidance on how to help manage a SADNESS SPOT when it gets TOO BIG or stays for TOO LONG. It also shows how to help others with their SADNESS SPOT, too! It teaches EMPATHY, COMPASSION, FRIENDSHIP and much more!

It offers creative strategies for children on how to bring themselves back to a PEACEFUL SPOT!
Circle the spot, in the middle of your palm,
count the swirls down to calm.
Around and around, and around twice more .
One, then two, then three, then four.
Each time you trace around the SPOTS,
take a deep breath to CALM your thoughts.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Nicole Daigle
Love it!

My son LOVES all of the spot books! I cannot express how much he does absorb from them and looks forward to reading about a spot every night.

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