*DIGITAL EDUCATOR GUIDE BUNDLE* A Little SPOT of Feelings & Emotions Educator Guide AND A Little SPOT of Life Skills and Actions Educator Guide(Digital Format ONLY)

Diane Alber

$49.99 Regular price $59.99


This bundle includes DIGITAL Versions of:

A Little SPOT of Feelings & Emotions Educator Guide (Digital Format ONLY)

A Little SPOT of Life Skills & Actions Educator Guide (Digital Format ONLY)

These two digital guides are an educator's right hand in teaching feelings, emotions and life skills and contains the complete Social Emotional Learning Curriculum. It was created to be everything a teacher or parent might need, and has room for creativity and adaptation for different ages.

The guides boast plenty useful resources such as lesson plans, hands-on activities, STEM and worksheets. Both guides present important learning content in a way that is exciting, interactive and of the highest standard.

These guides go well with the Little Spot book Series or the 17 Plush Toy Bundle with Books, Stickers and Poster!

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Tanya Cobb

*DIGITAL EDUCATOR GUIDE BUNDLE* A Little SPOT of Feelings & Emotions Educator Guide AND A Little SPOT of Life Skills and Actions Educator Guide(Digital Format ONLY)


These are great been using at home with my son and in my life skills class also

Danielle Eldredge
Items never received

It has been almost a month and I have reached out to the seller on multiple occasions to address not receiving the digital items. Seller has yet to respond.

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