ABC Alphabet (uppercase and lowercase) Feelings FLASHCARDS


Diane Alber

$16.99 Regular price $18.99

3.5"x5.5 52 colorful FEELING and EMOTION flashcards! Uppercase and Lowercase! 

PERFECT FOR COUNSELORS, CAREGIVERS, TEACHERS AND PARENTS: Teachers can use these in the classroom in small or large groups, parents can use them to help their children understand emotions and connect with them in great conversation and mental health professionals can use them to aid in therapy and help children identify their feelings.

SUPPORTS SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING: Children will learn how to identify a wide range of feelings and emotions which can help a child show empathy, self control and to be more self aware.

COLORFUL FUN CARDS: 64 brightly illustrated cards are sized at 3.5" by 5” inches for easy viewing and small hands. These cards help develop emotional and social intelligence.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Joan Bright

These flashcards are great for my Pre-K class. I bought 2 sets so we can play memory and matching games, and "Guess What I'm Feeling?" games. They are sturdy, and a good size for little hands to hold. Love these!

Susan Wellman

ABC Alphabet (uppercase and lowercase) Feelings FLASHCARDS

Dvora Hyman
Amazing Classroom Tool!!

I absolutely love the design and vibrancy of the cards!
My biggest disappointment is the letter Tt.
Thankful and thoughtful, while being excellent concepts, begin with TH.
This causes some difficulty for my literacy program, which begins with one sound for each letter and does not introduce diagraphs until after completing the whole alphabet.
(My very pregnant daughter-in-law suggested tired and terrified.
Please take these feelings into consideration;)
Maybe for a next edition, you can add feelings beginning with diagraphs at the end of the pack, like cheerful and shy.)
Thank you for your excellent creativity and helpful teaching aids.

Keep up the good work,
Dvora Hyman

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