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Feeling Detective Plush with 8 mini emotions


Diane Alber

$44.99 Regular price $49.99

8” Feeling Detective with 8 mini plushies (3") - the back of the big plush has a zipper where the 8 mini plushies perfectly fit inside. 

The Feelings Detective Plush with 8 mini plushies is a fun tool with endless options that aids educators and parents in teaching children about feelings in an interactive way. It is your classroom or home’s personal emotion-detecting Sherlock Holmes!

Games such as throwing feelings around, children choosing feelings or demonstrating a held plushie’s feeling can be paired with fun detective games. 8 mini plushies fit perfectly inside – creating options to explain feeling concepts collectively or individually.


For Canada orders we are currently stocking at Odin books in Vancouver


Customer Reviews

Based on 84 reviews
Dionne Vester
Loves to travel!

From 8 year old “the best part is that you can unzip him and get all the spots”

Vanessa Goulet
My son loves it!

He got plushies and books from Santa. He’s been enjoying them every day!

Barb DeVos

Cute! I can’t wait to see how the children I work with love them and use them to express emotion. I am a school counselor.

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